Serving the Community from our Hearts

Lakeshore Elementary

Superhero Saturday

Superhero Saturday is the spring carnival open to the entire community, featring games, food and activities.  Volunteers will run games and activities booth.  They will help setup, prepare food and assist at the food concession stand.  Lunch provided.  All proceeds go towards enrichment programs like Motor Perception, Science in the Garden, and Studio Art, community events, and classroom supplies.  LUNCH PROVIDED



Spring Auction 

Lakeshore's biggest fundraising event. Delicious food, music, silent and live auction, wine tasting, and socializing with friends, faculty, and alumni – all for a good cause. Proceeds go directly into the school enrichment programs and consultants our children enjoy, the community events we sponsor, and supplemental classroom funds.


Before the event, help bring in food supplies, prep food, setting up tablecloths, lay out linens on tables, put butcher paper on the sandwich boards, carry in 6 bid sheet sandwich boards (7' by 2' wooden boards back-to-back that sit on top of tables), prepping bidsheets and bidsheet boards, laying out auction items, getting certificate ready, helping with decorations, and any last minute tasks.  LUNCH PROVIDED


Upcoming Shifts

  •   = On waiting list
  •   = Registered